The project to repair the
overflow pipeline at Rocky Beach and encase it in concrete, was due for
completion by Easter 2016. But the contractors undertaking the work got a bit
behind schedule because the weather was really lousy. They stopped for Easter
so as not to have Rocky Beach closed for the Easter break and then came back in
mid-April to finish it off.
Overall, it seems they have
done a very good job, including closing off the unconsented overflow at the top
of the slipway, and putting a metal handrail on the slipway itself, as we had
requested. There are some tiny snagging jobs where some of the reinforcing bar
is exposed, which will be brought to the attention of South West Water to
ensure they are rectified.
Looking to the future it
will no doubt be good to keep a watchful eye on the pipeline and make sure it gets
properly maintained this time and doesn't fall into a state of disrepair.